Designer Spotlight

Emily Hwang

Dallas, TX

September 22, 2022

Unfortunately, I was recently laid off due to a recent reduction in workforce across the entire firm. I was definitely disappointed, but understood there had to be some tough decisions made during this global pandemic and economic downturn. I had officially joined the millions of unemployed due to Covid-19 throughout the country.

Initially, I spent my first week of unemployment just processing it all and decompressing from the initial shock.This is my first lay-off and I was not in the workforce during the last 2008 recession. I was definitely experiencing all ranges of emotions and truly thinking about what my next steps would be.  

I didn't jump at updating my resume or design portfolio right away - I really want to spend this downtime figuring out what I wanted next and trying to not let the panic and pressure kick me into auto-pilot mode. Despite these hardships - I have been able to find a silver lining in all of this. I now have the freedom to steer my design career in a direction I have been contemplating for a while. During this second week of unemployment, I've started updating my LinkedIn Profile, resume, and reaching out to former colleagues for recommendations and points of references. Each person I have reached out to has been more than willing to help or assist me in any way they could- I sincerely felt their empathy and support during this time. With several companies currently on hiring freezes and continuing to reduce staff, it does seem overwhelming at times and I can't help think to myself- what's even left out there? But alas a sign of HOPE- recruiters have started reaching out to me about some opportunities and potential leads in the Dallas area. And so I leave you with this motivational quote:

"Success is not final, failure is not fatal. It is the courage to continue that counts."

- Winston Churchill.

Just keeping swimming my friends, just keep swimming.